Participation in research projects-as member of the reseach team

The promotion of scientific research concerning: operator models and applications, grant CEEX (module: The promotion of participation to research European and international programs; type: Increasing institutional and research programs visibility) from the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, code PR-D11-PT00-48/2005, accepted for funding.

Generalized groupoid morphisms - grant CEEX (Excellence research projects for young researchers) from the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, code ET 65/2005, contract no. 2987/11.10.2005.

Participation in contracts with local enterprises - as member of the reseach team

Studiu privind posibilităţtile de ridicare a eficienţei energetice a preselor de vulcanizat benzi de la S.C. Artego S. A. Târgu-Jiu, contract no 28/C - 21.07.2003 (project manager Prof. dr. V. Paliţă, UCB). Beneficiary Artego S.A.