INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE „The present day world and its challenges”
The main goal of the International Conference “The present day world and its challenges” is to provide an opportunity for academics and professionals from a variety of fields to meet and exchange ideas and expertise, a venue where researchers and experts worldwide can share new ideas and create a dialogue on politics, democracy, state of law, diplomacy, economy and sustainable development, education and culture, health, scientific research and technological development, can establish research or academic relations, and can find national and international partners for future collaboration.
- Constantin Brancusi University of Targu-Jiu, Romania;
- Economic Development and Social Sustainability Research Group (EDaSS), University of A Coruña, Faculty of Economy and Business, Department of Economic Analysis and Business Administration, Spain;
- European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR);
- Bukovinian University of Ukraina.
- On line, with transmission on TV; through the Zoom or Team Platform
Scientific Committee
Prof. Adrian GORUN Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Prof. Andrei MARGA Ph.D | Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca |
Prof. Dumitru MIRON Ph.D | Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania |
Prof. Constantin BRĂTIANU Ph.D | Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania |
Prof. Walter LEAL | Hamburg University of Applied Sciences |
Prof. Yaroslav VYKLYUK | Bukovinian University, Ukraine |
Prof. Isabel Novo CORTI Ph.D | University of Coruña, Spain |
Prof. Vasile Sorin PUREC Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Senior researcher Sorin CACE PhD | Romanian Academy, National Institute for Economic Research Costin C. Kirițescu, Bucharest, Romania |
Prof. Cătălin TURLIUC Ph.D | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania |
Prof. Magdalena ZIOLO | University of Szczecin, Poland |
Prof. Gabriela DOBROTĂ Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Prof. Liviu Marius CÎRȚÎNĂ Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Prof. George NICULESCU Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Conf. Cornelia TOMESCU DUMITRESCU Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Xose PICATOSTE Ph.D | University of Coruña, Spain |
Prof. Horațiu GORUN Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Prof. Monica Delia BÎCĂ Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Prof. Dorel Dumitru CHIRIȚESCU Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Assoc. prof. Cristinel POPESCU | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Prof. Diana Mihaela ȚÎRCĂ Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Lecturer Cătălin PEPTAN Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Prof. Lucia POPA PALIU Ph.D | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Prof. Amalia Venera TODORUȚ | Constantin Brancusi University of Târgu Jiu, Romania |
Prof. Antonis ZORPAS | Open University of Cyprus, Cyprus |
Organizing Committee
Vasile Sorin PUREC
Gabriela DOBROTĂ
Liviu Marius CÎRȚÎNĂ
Conference Topics
Papers are invited for oral and poster presentations on the following conference topics:
- Session 1: Politics, democracy, State of law, diplomacy
- Session 2: Economy and sustainable development
- Session 3: Education and culture
- Session 4: Health
- Session 5: Scientific research and technological development
- Session 6: Romania Post 1989
Invited Speakers
Conference Deadlines
Submission of conference: short papers/abstract | 10.12.2020 |
Confirmation of acceptance of conference: short papers/abstract | 12.12.2020 |
- Submission are now open and will remain so until December 10th, 2020.
How to submit a conference paper (short paper) and details about the publication
- A conference paper (short paper) in English language should be written up to 3000 words (or an extended) abstract. Papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the conference. All accepted conference papers (short paper) will be published in the Proceedings of the conference, with ISBN number. This volume will include short version or an extended abstract of your papers. The full contact details of the author(s) need to be provided. Extended abstract (300-500 words) should be written in the third person and not in the first or second one (e.g. I, me, or my paper). Short papers should explain the aim of the paper, the approach taken, the methods of analysis (in empirical papers), main findings, the principal results and major conclusions. This file should be submitted as a .doc file.
- We strongly encourage all participants to prepare their papers in the template. The papers that do not meet the conference formatting criteria will not be included in the Proceedings of the conference.
- The deadline for sending the conference papers (short papers) is December 10th, 2020. They will be send by e-mail only to the secretariat of the conference: conference2020.ucb@gmail.com
- The publication of short paper or extended abstract is free. All long papers will be reviewed for the publication in the journals: Annals of „Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Mathematical Journal or Fiability and durability (https://www.utgjiu.ro/reviste_UCB/), following their normal review criteria.
- The author(s) must pay a fee of 60 euro/paper for publication in this journals.
Programme – 2020
Contact persons:
“Constantin Brancusi” University of Targu-Jiu, Faculty of Economics, Romania
Tel: +40 253 214307, Fax: +40 253 214 462, Mobile: +40721344193
E-mail: conference2020.ucb@gmail.com